Dwarf Iris Society

DIS Plant Sale

The DIS annual plant sale is a great way to acquire more interesting irises for your garden and to support the society. The sale is usually the best source for hard-to-find MDBs no longer available from commercial growers. It works like this: donors offer collections of irises they would like to offer for sale. The plant sale coordinator compiles a list of collections and receives orders through the DIS online store. Finally, donors ship their collections directly to the buyers, ensuring the freshest possible plants.

The 2024 plant sale is now closed. Orders will be shipped from donors directly to buyers by the beginning of August. 

Plant Sale Guarantee: DIS guarantees all plants sold through the plant sale to arrive healthy and true to name. Our responsibility for unhealthy or misnamed plants extends up to a full refund for each plant in question, not including shipping costs.

New to growing dwarf irises? We have care instructions in our Buyer's Guide.

Questions? Contact the plant sale committee at plantsale@dwarfirissociety.org.