Welcome to the Dwarf Iris Society seed sale! Growing irises from seed is fascinating and fun.
The sale is now open through our online store, with many different seed offerings from MDBs, SDBs, arilbred dwarfs, and bearded species, including hand-pollinated crosses.
Most open-pollinated seed selections from previous years have been moved to the surplus list and will be available to both members and nonmembers. You must be a member of DIS to buy seeds from the members-only list, but you may join at the same time you order your seeds. Sorry, US and Canada addresses only at this time.
New to growing irises from seed? Named varieties (hybrid cultivars) do not come true from seed. Each seedling is a unique individual, never before seen. Hybridizers make planned hand-pollinated crosses to raise new varieties. Open-pollinated seeds result from bees and other insects, so the plant providing the pollen is unknown. Hybridizers may find our seed offerings useful to supplement their breeding programs; nonhybridizers often enjoy growing irises from seeds for fun and to enjoy the surprise of all the different blooms that result.
For more information, contact seedsale@dwarfirissociety.org
Photo credit: Tom Waters